Monday, October 19, 2009


re li gi o si ty (ri li gee ah si tee) - the propensity of mankind to develop rules and systems in an attempt to artificially produce an otherwise natural experience

Okay, so I made that up, but it is true.  We form all kinds of traditions and unspoken laws that we must follow, but they don't really get to the heart of the matter.  They are useful to produce a group of people that look like they are worshiping God and following Jesus and listening to the Holy Spirit, but that's all it is - the appearance.  The heart of the matter is the heart - the inner self.  Do we love Him with all?

Paul writes in Colossians 2 that we are not to be bound by the rules men have laid out for worship.  They look enticing.  I mean, wouldn't it be great if we just had to follow a few inconvenient rules and we're good with God?  Instead, we have to live up to "be holy as the Lord your God is holy" and "let no unwholesome speech come out of you mouth" or "if you know the good to do, but you don't do it, that is sin."  It's not about rules, it's about being changed from the inside out.

When you pursue God ... when you begin to understand His pursuit of you ... when you brush up against His grace and mercy and love ... it changes you.  It's not about the rules.  It's about the relentless pursuit of God.

When you love someone, you begin to love what they love.  Watch any young couple.  All of a sudden, he likes to go shopping and she loves his favorite football team.  He starts to wear clothes that suit her style and she starts to listen to country music (or whatever it is he listens to).  He buys cards and writes poems and she watches him play basketball.  She's all he thinks about and he's all she talks about.

When you love God, you begin to love what he loves - His creation, His world, His people.  You don't need the thou shalts and shalt nots anymore - it's engraved on your heart by His love.  He wants you to show mercy and forgiveness in the same way He has shown it to you.  He wants you to care for others the way He has cared for you.  He wants you to live for Him in the same way He died for you.  And when you are in love, it's not a burden!

I think my next church will be called the "Outback Churchhouse" - No Rules.  Just Righteous.

Monday, September 28, 2009

The Original ET

We've been studying 1 Peter and the fact that we are strangers and aliens in this world. That we are not supposed to be like everyone else. That we are a chosen people, dearly loved by God from before time began matters. We live different lives that make a difference! Once we establish our identity as children of God, there is no end to what we can accomplish. We don't have to live in fear, confusion, bitterness, loneliness, hopelessness, despair ... we are free. But how then do we live???
We don't have to guess - we have an example - a pattern to follow. Jesus is the original extraterrestrial. He was a stranger and an alien before we understood the concept. His pattern, his example, his teaching is where we go to know how to live free.
This week we looked at Matthew 14:22-23 - Jesus Walks on the Water.
The questions we asked are first - Do you trust him? It's like the picture in Aladdin when Aladdin reaches back to Jasmine and says "Do you trust me?" She answers, "yes", places her had in his and they jump out the window. The question is what window of faith do you need to jump through and do you trust him?
The second question "what widow of faith do you need to jump through" or "are you ready to get out of the boat and brave the raging storms?", begs you to look into you life at what prevents you from being the whole, free, loved child of God that he has called you to be. What area of your life do you need to entrust to him as you step out to meet him?